Ben Walker

Godiva’s Jerome Chouchan on the importance of self-improvement

Dialogue‘s Ben Walker spends a day with Godiva’s Jerome Chouchan learning about consumer-centric strategy, self-improvement, and the Japanese art…

The complexities of income inequality

Is it all due to globalization? Perhaps the most striking aspect of the global financial crisis of 2008 is…

Lessons in reinvention from a former basketball star

You need others to be frank with you, says Jay Williams. As Jay Williams’ car is winding its…

How knowledge sharing will adapt for the digital age

Despite seismic technological shifts, Marcelino Elosua’s global learning business has adapted to the changing needs of the digital…

How being vulnerable is the key to inspiring leadership

Former Chanel US executive Susan Clatworthy shares lessons from her own career about why vulnerability is the key…

From domestic emulation to global innovation

Once known for their love of emulation, Chinese brands are now world-famous for their innovative ideas and global…

How Japan can become an innovation powerhouse again

Takeo Harada describes how Japan can break out of its innovation slump. Previously at the forefront of global…

Understanding consumer behavior with Dr Linda Papadopoulos

Psychologist Dr Linda Papadopoulos has dedicated her career to figuring out what makes people tick. Along the way,…

Julie Meyer on why Malta is the next entrepreneurial hotspot

Julie Meyer knows that entrepreneurs can listen and respond to the market in ways that corporations can’t. So she’s fostering…

Leadership lessons from Fifa’s Sindi Mabaso-Koyana

Sindi Mabaso-Koyana, Fifa’s new audit chief, is up for the challenge of cleaning up the corruption-riddled global football…

Meet Michael Chavez, Duke CE’s new Chief Executive

Duke Corporate Education’s new CEO Michael Chavez tells Dialogue‘s Ben Walker about his approach to leadership for what’s…

Javier Lamelas’s advice on marketing and management

Javier Sanchez Lamelas, erstwhile Coca-Cola marketing guru, knows that the secret to good marketing lies in emotion.  …