Vivek Wadhwa

Attack of the drones

Lethal technology raises profound ethical questions. Attack of the Clones is a space opera, a fantasy ostensibly untroubled…

Reopen the American way

Barriers to immigration undermine innovation. The US is losing the global race for talent. The west isn’t wild…

The great global experiment

Thanks to the pandemic, a corporate culture of innovation has belatedly arrived. The boxer Mike Tyson once mused…

India’s new energy

From zero to hero: the problem child is growing into a poster boy. I knew which way the…

Virus tech is real and terrifying

This pandemic was a mistake. The next might not be. The English have a neat take on Hanlon’s…

The virus will accelerate progress

Covid-19 has broken the mold of the way we live our lives. You might think we’d gone backwards….

Imagining the future of vaccines

Be thankful that due process is still observed in global healthcare. It won’t be forever. First up, an…

Competition is out of fashion in Silicon Valley

Vivek Wadhwa examines the strange death of the market. Competition is for losers. So says PayPal co-founder Peter…

The sales team you didn’t know you have

Developers are better at selling than they know, says Vivek Wadhwa. It wasn’t planned. As a young tech…

AI isn’t biased – we are

Human bias has infiltrated AI, says Vivek Wadhwa. Enough nonsense. AI isn’t biased. The human world is. AI…

Entrepreneurship is learned, not inherited

The attributes needed to be successful in business aren’t innate, says Vivek Wadhwa. No, she’s not born with…

Speak your customers’ language

We can learn from Apple’s culture.  Unfortunately, the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. The company’s forays…