Organizational Culture

Human is where the heart is

AI is a powerful business tool. But it cannot replace personal storytelling. Is AI being simultaneously underplayed and…

The psychology of leadership transitions

Taking on a new leadership position can be harder than it seems, but research on post-traumatic growth shows…

The future is Asian

We have entered the Asian Century. A global political and economic shift of historic proportions is under way…

Disrupt or be disrupted

In a fast-changing business environment, individuals’ professional development drives organizational success. As organizations seek to recruit and retain…

Global or local?

Redefining an apparent problem as a dilemma can help unlock new ways to grow a brand.  If you’ve…

The discipline to implement effectively

Too many digital transformations fail. Success requires leaders with a disciplined mindset. Your digital transformation cannot fail. But…

The power of a theory

Marketing needs a theory of human behavior – and behavioral economics is that theory. As a marketing, brand…

The truth about X and Y

The legend of men being better negotiators than women ignores a crucial fact. Did you hear the one…

An investment imperative

Duke CE’s latest Lead with Her conference put a spotlight on the need for leaders around the world…

You are not alone

Leaders’ roles have swelled. But help is out there. The purpose of a business is to create a…

A repeatable process

Innovation projects are doomed to keep stumbling over the same obstacles unless leaders act to establish processes that…

Bridging cultures

How can Western business leaders master the art of negotiating with Chinese companies? In a globalized economy, the…

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