Tim Cook’s Guru Bill Boulding: It’s All About Values and Decency
Bill Boulding, Dean at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and Chairman of Duke CE, says the age of rapid change has made responsibilities of leadership much more complicated in an interview in The Straits Times.
The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Automation, Artificial Intelligence – Jobs
Glen Gilmore, a Forbes top 20 social media influencer, recaps the 21 Jobs of the Future event organized by Duke CE and Cognizant’s Center for the Future of Work.
Tapping into the Wisdom of the IIT Crowd
Duke CE’s Tony O’Driscoll summarizes the collective wisdom of training pioneers in a column for Training Magazine.
Research: How the Best School Leaders Create Enduring Change
Liz Mellon, Founder and Chair of the Editorial Board for the Duke Corporate Education journal, and her colleagues write about their thought leadership for Harvard Business Review.
4 Signs That Your Focus Is Holding You Back at Work
Duke CE Educator Srini Pillay explains why too much focus can actually be a problem.
CNBC Video Features Bankseta and Duke CE Collaboration
BANKSETA partners with Duke Corporate Education to transfer skills across Africa.
Dr. Tony O’Driscoll discusses the changing model of leadership in “Leading from the Center” on Future-Proof Workplace Radio.
Listen in as Michael Chavez joins Kieno Kammies, of the CapeTalk weekday Breakfast Show in South Africa, to talk about the jobs of the future.
Financial Times Rankings: Duke CE in top 3 and #1 in North America
In 2017, Duke CE ranks in the top three custom executive education providers globally, and #1 in North America. This is the 17th consecutive year that Duke CE has received top honors, building on our record of consistent excellence.
Sharmla Chetty on Disrupt with Mpumi Nhlapo
Sharmla Chetty, global head of Europe and Africa, discusses the impact of immersive, experiential corporate education.
Quit Hating on United Airlines
Professor Joe Perfetti explains how United Airlines fares in the Duke CE Global Productivity Ranking, describing his novel measure for financial cycle time in this article with Kathy Pearson.
Five Foundational Elements of Followership
Without followership, there is no leadership. Tony O’Driscoll discuses five elements to help leaders cultivate followership.
Tony O’Driscoll describes why the key to developing engaging education lies in first establishing the motivation to learn.
The Leadership Development 2.0 Challenge in Asia
Designing a new leadership system for today’s increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world. Duke CE’s global head of Duke CE Labs shares why agility is key in leadership development.
How Learning Leaders Win Friends and Influence People
CEO Michael Chavez featured in CLO Magazine discussing how learning leaders can make an impact by being curious, connecting and being deliberate in how they add value to the business.
How Executive Education is Embracing Diversity
To help organizations thrive in today’s business landscape, executive education programs evaluate and offer leadership development solutions that strengthen the meaning of corporate diversity and inclusion on multiple fronts.
Winning in an Unpredictable World: CEO Michael Chavez in Wall Street Journal Business Debate Video
Duke CE CEO Michael Chavez and educator Sudhanshu Palsule discuss how we can prepare leaders for a world that is unpredictable in this debate with the Wall Street Journal.
Five Leadership Lessons for Stormy Seas
Tony O’Driscoll, Duke CE’s Global Head of Strategic Leadership Solutions, gives Training Magazine five simple rules to weather a perfect storm with disruption gathering on multiple fronts: societal, technological, economic, and political.
HQ Asia: “Why is Strategy Execution so Hard?”
Liz Mellon, Chair of Duke CE’s partner journal, Dialogue, discusses five successful steps of strategy execution, asking how your organization ranks against them.
CNBC Africa asks “How will South Africa sustain investments as it faces economic and political headwinds?”
Duke CE Global Head of Europe and Africa, Sharmla Chetty, joins experts from South Africa in a CNBC interview panel on how South Africa sustain its attractiveness in today’s volatile environment.
Financial Times Rankings: Duke CE in top 3 and #1 in North America
In 2016, Duke CE ranks in the top three custom executive education providers globally, and #1 in North America. This is the 16th consecutive year that Duke CE has received top honors, building on our record of consistent excellence.
Pete Gerend: Leaders must live with uncertainty
Faith and Leadership, 23 September 2014
Today’s leaders have to cope with a changing world, according to “Leading in Context,” a study by Duke CE. That’s why they need to develop beliefs and mindsets that allow them to respond to shifting environments.
Bigger and better: The 2014 ranking
Financial Times, 12 May 2014
Duke CE tops the Financial Times annual custom executive education rankings for the 12th consecutive year. Duke’s corporate customers praised the schools relationships with clients.
The Complete 2013 Executive Education Ranking
BusinessWeek, 7 November 2013
Duke CE has been ranked the world’s #1 provider of custom executive education, according to the 7 November rankings released by BusinessWeek. This is the sixth consecutive time that Duke CE has taken top honors in the biennial survey (2003 – 2013).
The Changing Leadership Context – Inside the CEO’s Mind
IEDP Developing Leaders, Issue 13, October 2013
In a study of nearly 40 global CEOs conducted by Duke Corporate Education, in 2013, the general consensus among the respondents was that the change the business world is experiencing post-2008 is more of a supernova than merely a ‘perfect storm.’ Recent global events have dramatically accelerated the move to a more interdependent world and have untethered many of the assumptions and beliefs that leaders have historically depended on to frame their leadership context.
Top Ranked Executive Schools
Moneyweb, 13 May 2013
Duke CE’s eleventh consecutive #1 ranking in the Financial Times is due in part to its success in Africa; it has delivered programs in 15 African countries so far. African regional managing director Sharmla Chetty says that there is a lot of opportunity and a great need for building skills and capabilities on the continent. She emphasized that the war for talent is still on and uplifting Africa will require key skills.
The trickle-down effect
Financial Times, 12 May 2013
One idea gaining currency in executive education — first promoted by Duke CE more than a decade ago — is that of “cascading,” in which every manager who has been to a course has to teach a group of more junior colleagues back in the workplace. Another trend is moving the education to where the business is; Duke CE plans to open an office in Singapore.
Designing Business Education for a Custom Fit
The New York Times, May 17, 2012
In this business education overview from Tokyo, the New York Times suggests that companies that focus on executive education — like Duke Corporate Education — are more likely than traditional business schools to go to greater lengths to meet the precise training needs of client companies. They provide a service similar to some consulting firms, and sometimes they compete for the same work.
Ask the Expert: Executive Education 2012
Financial Times, May 16, 2012
Duke CE’s CEO Mike Canning and IMD president Dominique Turpin answered questions from Financial Times readers. Management consultancies, publishing companies, NGOs and corporate universities increasingly compete with traditional business schools. What can business schools achieve that the others cannot? What sort of courses are appropriate? And how do you measure return on investment?
Simply the Best
Financial Times, May 14, 2012
Duke CE was ranked the world’s #1 provider of custom executive education for the tenth year in a row by the Financial Times. The company was ranked among the top five performers in 11 out of 15 criteria, and #1 five times. Duke CE’s core strength lies in its preparation, program design, and the teaching methods and materials of its programs.
Pieces of the Action
Financial Times, May 14, 2012
A program developed by Duke CE and Absa was so successful in South Africa that Absa’s parent company, Barclays, expanded the program throughout Africa and into Europe. Across the board, companies and business schools are seeing a rise in new business from emerging markets — and finding competition in unlikely places.
How Do You Handle Mistakes?
Fast Company, March 2012
Mistakes are actually a good thing — Dr. Liz Mellon notes that if you’re not making them, you’re probably not trying hard enough in this 30 Second MBA video from Fast Company.
Women Take The Fast Track
FT.com, March 4, 2012
Novartis is being hailed as a pioneer for an executive leadership development program targeted exclusively at women that experts say is a milestone in its field.
Novartis Executive Female Leadership Program
Developing Leaders (IEDP), February 2012
Novartis created a new strategic initiative to developing female leaders in collaboration with Duke CE. Claudia Bidwell wrote about her experiences running the Executive Female Leadership Program at Novartis: “This program made a difference to all those involved.”
Verizon #1 on Training Top 125
Training, January/February 2012
Verizon captured the No. 1 spot on the Training Top 125 in 2012. Creating shareholder value was one of the company’s significant goals, and Verizon partnered with Duke CE to launch a Leading for Shareholder Value program.
Beyond the Sage on the Stage
Co-authored by Duke CE’s Cheryl Stokes and GLRN member James Gilmore, this article that appears in the July 2011 issue of Chief Learning Officer magazine discusses how immersive learning experiences engage participants and better position offerings to enable success. CLO Magazine 10:7, July 2011, pp34-35.
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A Second Look at Second Life
As companies face budget cuts, virtual worlds are earning another look as a cost-effective way to deliver development across regional boundaries. Steve Mahaley looks at the technical, security and instructional aspects of these learning environments. CLO Magazine 8:5, May 2009, pp21-27.
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The Learning Function as Design Lab
Steve Mahaley details thing to consider as companies begin to look at redesigning current programs leveraging existing technology as a way to reduce expense and improve quality. CLO Magazine 8:5, May 2009, p24.
Read the article at clomedia.com