IT Specialist

Areoye Oyelami Babajide (“Lami for short”) is an IT specialist with Duke Corporate Education since October 2021. His core responsibilities entail, but are not limited to, IT support, digital learning product support, and learning programmes and event tech support.

Lami is a highly qualified IT professional holding a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (Cum Laude) and numerous technical IT qualifications including cloud computing, network security and a range of others. In addition, he has skills and experience in digital learning, animation, graphics and social media management.

Lami started his IT journey with an internship with GroFin SA, Pretoria from December 2013 to February 2014. His duties were to populate the company’s transaction database on the new intranet and to solve problems and deliver a searchable database of finance reports. From 2015 to 2017, he was an Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment & IT in Computer Science where is duties included lecturing, setting up and conducting C++ programming for first year students as well as coordinating the Fitchfork team to ensure the practical assignment for the platform was quality assured. Lami has worked and consulted with various companies where his responsibilities lay in the areas of digital learning developer, graphic design, IT support, repair, networking, installation, sales, social media management and other IT services.

Lami is Nigerian by birth and is a South African permanent resident. He enjoys reading, cooking, travelling, music and ice skating. He is glad to be a part of a team that is diverse not only in terms of the South African demographic profile, but also the diversity of the African continent more broadly.

Contact Information

phone: +27 87 352 4600

The Campus
Ground Floor Eden Gardens Building
57 Sloane Street
Gauteng 2191
Johannesburg, South Africa